Friday, November 9, 2007

Leah Stewart, (unemployed) RN

Well, it's official, I am currently unemployed. My last day was yesterday and I already feel like a different person. I am divorced from the 6NE family and don't have anything I HAVE TO do anymore. Weird. It's a lot more sad than I thought it would be. It sort of feels like I'm jumping ship and leaving my coworkers to fight off the pirating IVDAs and asshole residents from taking down our ship that is 6NE. if I was the single person staving off the ship from sinking. I guess I like to feel important sometimes, especially now when I am unemployed and SO unimportant. Whatever, what it comes down to is that I love my coworkers and will miss them a lot. Especially now that I'm going to be on David overload...always. So anyway, the next three days involve packing like a mad man (or shall I say packing like a mad-Leah) and moving all of my worldly belongings to Dave's Dad's house in Utah. I'm selling my car tomorrow and partying hard this weekend so that I can sleep well in the car while David drives us to Utah :). Oh and in the meantime I'm also turning 24. Life is good. ---Leah

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